Wednesday, August 31, 2011

            My name is Christina Marie Carmon. Let me just tell you in advance that I am super random and really weird. I like to make noise I am especially good at a monkey sound. I have had the great opportunity to go around the world to places such as Italy, France, Jamaica, Mexico and a few other places. I would love to go to Slovenia because my mom was going there but the trip got canceled and I can’t get over the fact that its’ name is Slovenia like come on it sounds like someone talking with water in there mouth SLUH-VEIN-E-UH.

            I have played sports my whole life I love softball I like basketball. I’ve played softball since I was three.That is though with the exception for last yea,r I broke my ankle in a basketball game and missed softball season. Personally I think bad mitten is Not a sport its so Hmmm….noo it’s just not a sport. May sound crazy but P.E. is my favorite class I said the class not the teachers.

            When I was twelve I accidentally helped my eldest sister run away, sadly she was jumping house from house her senior year of high school. Also, my second sister did some thing of the same sort but lets not dig that one up. My brother is pretty chill, he can be a jerk at times but he’s by brother, kind of his job. Last year between the last week ofApril and middle of May I lost four loved ones.

            People may not know it but I can be the most sensitive and emotional person around. My school life is what makes me…well me. My life at home feels like im trapped, bored to death, and powerless. I’m pretty much their winning pain in the butt child that they spend money on for everything . You would think they let me out the house to get rid of me. I’m surrounded by stuff I hate 90 % of all of it, well because it has to do with being Mormon its ruining my life. You maybe saying oh can't be that bad well I get up every day every morning at four thirty five in the morning and go to class at five fifty. I have sleep problem so I don’t get to sleep till maybe one in the morning, then my parents expect me to do sports, kind of hard to do that on three hours of sleep that’s how long my practices usually are. If u haven’t noticed I Love wearing the same color of clothes for my outfits. I have a green, blue, pink, orange, purple, black, and yellow outfit.
            This year I want to be able to write on most topics with out struggling to write it down and be able to in prove my grammar. So that’s pretty much what I like to say about my self.

1 comment:

  1. "SLUH-VEIN-E-UH" lolzzz, made me laugh.
    You're pretty funny and very interesting, I like your posts so far.
    It does seem like life's is pretty hard on you, but you know what? If you keep your seemingly positive attitude up, you'll get to where you want to be, don't worry.
    Keep me interested! (:
