Thursday, September 1, 2011

my gangster luck

so in class we played two truths and a lie and i totaly sckooled my class except for Gigi. (props to u)
so i was pretty happy all day after that i had people asking if it was really true about being hit so many times. so i had a ortho appointment after school so i ripsticked over there and learned i get my braces of on september...??? crap i forgot but in the end part of september in juiced. also heres the best part of the day my luck, so i was on my way to the school football team to watch the guys practice till i got picked up. and i was a block away and almost got hit again ,because the idiot didn't look both ways. >:(  So i yell at him a bit and im on my way. I have crossed the street and secounds later i turn around and a fellow student has been hit by a small Cough cough not being mean person who said they didn't see him. now that is luck that could ave been me ohhh man trust me he like killed the wind sheild lol it was shattered.........reminded me of one of my first (tearing up) well it is 9:10 so i gatta go to sleep dueces

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