Tuesday, October 25, 2011


                                                                  A deferred dream
                                                                   life goal that was
                                                                      not acheived
                                                                 boils in the holders
                                                                    mind for nights
                                                                         on end
                                                                 it's on the to do list
                                                                   life is in the way
                                                                time flies no chance
                                                                        to fullfill
                                                              dream will be drempt
                                                                      by another
                                                                   never forgotten
                                                 just in a circle going through our minds

The dream is a dream sometimes after having it you can't recall what happened. like if you were to wake from a dream, the dream can never finish. life dreams and goals are there to keep us motivated. some people work hard enough to get what they want and not just what they need. The dream is possible just get enough sleep.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

[RE] If you had million dollars, what would you do with it? laura J

I totaly agree. It matters about who the person is and what situation they are in. i to would give a bit to charity. I wouldn't buy my mom a car but i would buy one in full then a motorcycle XD yessssss lol. um i have changed my answert so much it used to be blow it just spend it all lol. Now i would od charity motorcycle stocks invest in a buisness and put in savings and live off intrest it sounds like a good plan. hopefully we don't get taxed though if we got the million lol. a friend told me he would buy a Nike store hecka snap backs and season tickets to all bay area sports teams. for him style and sports is how he wants to spend the money and for another it could be pay of bills or a cancer patient could get surgery thats why it would be awesome to get money and have a choice on where you spend it.
      Also, when a kid is asked that he/she is unknowingly thinking about their future. Thinking about your future in a good positive way helps you reach your goal. even if you don't get handed a million dollars.

[RE] Badminton Daniel dalipe

BADminton i disagree with daniel that badminton is a sport as much as you like it it is not a popular sport it doesn'tg et widely televised. i mean no disrecpect but to many people it is viewed as a weak version of tenis and volleyball. you talk as if everyone knows what a smash is...i don't know what on earth it is.good for you on finding something you like though. i have tried playing and it just isn't a sport to me. the rackets are tiny and seems impossible to direct the birdie. I also don't get why the teams are so huge. people don't realy get hurt theres know conditioning for it. Yeah you might run a bit tohit the birdie but it doesn't make you run or do any physical activitie at all. you do what you like to do though i just needed a topic to write on bye bye lol  XD

[CE]City Will Pay 1.7 Million to Family in Police Cover-Up

On March 23, 2000officers used brutal force on 35-year-old Jerry Amaro the third while being arrested for illegibly buying drugs from an undercover cop. Over the next month Jerry had been   complaining about chest pains. On April 21, 2000 he died, found in his basement. Officers told his mother that he had died on the street and that gang disputes had started. The corner pretty much called the officers out on being the reason Jerry s dead. The report was not charted that they had used force.
Police should either own up to their actions or not do it at all. Only do what is necessary .It just goes without saying it always comes back and bites you on the butt. After ten years Jerry’s’ family is getting closure and told a justified result of what happened to her son. According to the Amaros’ lawyer this was the biggest police cover-up in Oakland.
            “San Francisco Chronicle” Henry K. Lee

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

[FREE] losing a close friend to drama

im like every other girl i enjoy the causal rumorsbut , when its about me or a friend its all bad. I hate knowin that people have nothing to do but rag on us for no f*ckn reason. Don't you have somethin better to do? Some people say i have a big mouth ,mostly i take that as your hecka loud. But lately people twisten my words and tellin my best friend that i've been talken bout her behind her back and tellin her buisness. il admit i have let a few a few details that i knew were not mine to share but sometimes i realy don't know what is a secret or not. A wise guy told me "if its a secret they shouldn't tell anyone." i have had many run ins with this crqap and we work through it. Sghe is my bestfriend ever like she is what ties me to reality and meaning to live love her to death. it funny though i can always trace our problem if i go back enough to a guy. guys play with her and it bugs the crap out of me. she doesn't deserve that. a few sentences can ruin a life forsure but, with her its a few words. It's taken me a few years to understand her and what not to do or talk about. Drama finds me and lets just say when we meet its the only girl i would take no shame of losing to, it's sly cheap and doesnt have rules. this time i think its bad a few words tipped it i take no grudge to the person who did it because she did not know like i do that she is serious about her personal life. i have begged for forgiveness more than i have in church ever lol. i realy can't imagine life being normal or sum what normal for me. i always was there for her and always new that when she gave me another chance that it was a big deal ...this time idk whats ganna happen. if you even think twice about tellin me a secret don't tell me it will be easyier and also then im still your friend. FIGHT DRAMA AND THE CHICKS THAT START IT. i hope she forgives me
= (

Saturday, October 15, 2011

[CE] mexico police'ready' for Pan AMerican games

Let the games begin in mexico. Along with the more than 6000 athletes from 42 countries participating, the city will host about 11000 police officers and soldiers deployed for the duration of the Games.
       security is top priorty  for planners. Guadalajara has been out of the drug wars way and want to keep it that way. im surprized that they have realitively kept that kind of problems away from them.they like to keep it even safer when the two week long games are goin on. drug violence isn't a worry, its a protocall for this kind of event. Being a part of Mexico does bring a bit of worry about drug violence. The planners hope to have a great un touched out come just like 2007 in Rio de janeiro.  hopefully all is swell during the games. With the increase of violence a nd drug war there is a concern about it effecting the Pan am.  the city has been very safe since their president Felipe calderon launched a military assualt in 2006.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

[free] Bloggers Block

            So I posted a status on Facebook saying “ I don’t know what to blog about.”
Skylar commented saying “write about bloggers block its writers block for bloggers.” So here I am typing one finger at a time this “blog”
            It starts with a title then you press enter, and you freeze. Your mind doesn’t go blank it just will not give a word or sound to your fingers to type on the page. Some people get frustrated or start to doodle. I on the other hand wine; I just wine about how I can’t think of anything. So I go on facebook and ask people. Then I get distracted. Finally I get a new topic. I change the title and then half way through I notice I have a idea for the past blog or during my finger by finger typing I didn’t notice where my cursor was. Which would leave me with a jumbled up blog.
             Ugh I have it again, its all good in my head but the moment I start typing it goes cuh-puht. It doesn’t help when you have something taking up your thoughts lol. It’s the stupid mid-term paper im staring at. Six pages of writing…NOT happening. In my head I am thinking “Nike” “Just Do It.” I know I can but it’s going to be a challenge