Wednesday, October 19, 2011

[FREE] losing a close friend to drama

im like every other girl i enjoy the causal rumorsbut , when its about me or a friend its all bad. I hate knowin that people have nothing to do but rag on us for no f*ckn reason. Don't you have somethin better to do? Some people say i have a big mouth ,mostly i take that as your hecka loud. But lately people twisten my words and tellin my best friend that i've been talken bout her behind her back and tellin her buisness. il admit i have let a few a few details that i knew were not mine to share but sometimes i realy don't know what is a secret or not. A wise guy told me "if its a secret they shouldn't tell anyone." i have had many run ins with this crqap and we work through it. Sghe is my bestfriend ever like she is what ties me to reality and meaning to live love her to death. it funny though i can always trace our problem if i go back enough to a guy. guys play with her and it bugs the crap out of me. she doesn't deserve that. a few sentences can ruin a life forsure but, with her its a few words. It's taken me a few years to understand her and what not to do or talk about. Drama finds me and lets just say when we meet its the only girl i would take no shame of losing to, it's sly cheap and doesnt have rules. this time i think its bad a few words tipped it i take no grudge to the person who did it because she did not know like i do that she is serious about her personal life. i have begged for forgiveness more than i have in church ever lol. i realy can't imagine life being normal or sum what normal for me. i always was there for her and always new that when she gave me another chance that it was a big deal ...this time idk whats ganna happen. if you even think twice about tellin me a secret don't tell me it will be easyier and also then im still your friend. FIGHT DRAMA AND THE CHICKS THAT START IT. i hope she forgives me
= (

1 comment:

  1. I know what this is about. I'm so sorry. If you guys are honestly as close as you seem, she'll forgive you. I mean what you did wasn't as bad as what I did to her, and she forgave me. Drama is dumb. And she doesn't want it. She loves you to death that i know. She'll forgive you, just wait.
