Tuesday, October 4, 2011

[RE] starvation The suffering of starvation

      "Maybe you'll think twice about buying that unnecessary cup of coffee from Starbucks, or wasting the rest of your food"
 I so agree, the thought of having more than enough for my self makes me think of kids all around the world with nothing. It makes you think twice about the sayin"what about the kids in Africa"
 what about them, their starving and are mal nourished. If we think about it the money for that coffee or for that monster, is plenty to pay for food for a child. Comercials tell us world wide that only fifty cents can get them water and food. Even though we can't personaly give them left overs or their own meal we can still sacrifice some pocket change to help them survive. It may not make a big diffrence but it made one to that child. It is so true how we don't have the worst of life or the best but we do have something. I too, hope that a miricle happens and the starving children and adults are given a better chance at life.

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