Tuesday, October 11, 2011

[free] Bloggers Block

            So I posted a status on Facebook saying “ I don’t know what to blog about.”
Skylar commented saying “write about bloggers block its writers block for bloggers.” So here I am typing one finger at a time this “blog”
            It starts with a title then you press enter, and you freeze. Your mind doesn’t go blank it just will not give a word or sound to your fingers to type on the page. Some people get frustrated or start to doodle. I on the other hand wine; I just wine about how I can’t think of anything. So I go on facebook and ask people. Then I get distracted. Finally I get a new topic. I change the title and then half way through I notice I have a idea for the past blog or during my finger by finger typing I didn’t notice where my cursor was. Which would leave me with a jumbled up blog.
             Ugh I have it again, its all good in my head but the moment I start typing it goes cuh-puht. It doesn’t help when you have something taking up your thoughts lol. It’s the stupid mid-term paper im staring at. Six pages of writing…NOT happening. In my head I am thinking “Nike” “Just Do It.” I know I can but it’s going to be a challenge

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