Tuesday, October 25, 2011


                                                                  A deferred dream
                                                                   life goal that was
                                                                      not acheived
                                                                 boils in the holders
                                                                    mind for nights
                                                                         on end
                                                                 it's on the to do list
                                                                   life is in the way
                                                                time flies no chance
                                                                        to fullfill
                                                              dream will be drempt
                                                                      by another
                                                                   never forgotten
                                                 just in a circle going through our minds

The dream is a dream sometimes after having it you can't recall what happened. like if you were to wake from a dream, the dream can never finish. life dreams and goals are there to keep us motivated. some people work hard enough to get what they want and not just what they need. The dream is possible just get enough sleep.

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