Thursday, October 20, 2011

[RE] Badminton Daniel dalipe

BADminton i disagree with daniel that badminton is a sport as much as you like it it is not a popular sport it doesn'tg et widely televised. i mean no disrecpect but to many people it is viewed as a weak version of tenis and volleyball. you talk as if everyone knows what a smash is...i don't know what on earth it is.good for you on finding something you like though. i have tried playing and it just isn't a sport to me. the rackets are tiny and seems impossible to direct the birdie. I also don't get why the teams are so huge. people don't realy get hurt theres know conditioning for it. Yeah you might run a bit tohit the birdie but it doesn't make you run or do any physical activitie at all. you do what you like to do though i just needed a topic to write on bye bye lol  XD

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