Thursday, October 20, 2011

[RE] If you had million dollars, what would you do with it? laura J

I totaly agree. It matters about who the person is and what situation they are in. i to would give a bit to charity. I wouldn't buy my mom a car but i would buy one in full then a motorcycle XD yessssss lol. um i have changed my answert so much it used to be blow it just spend it all lol. Now i would od charity motorcycle stocks invest in a buisness and put in savings and live off intrest it sounds like a good plan. hopefully we don't get taxed though if we got the million lol. a friend told me he would buy a Nike store hecka snap backs and season tickets to all bay area sports teams. for him style and sports is how he wants to spend the money and for another it could be pay of bills or a cancer patient could get surgery thats why it would be awesome to get money and have a choice on where you spend it.
      Also, when a kid is asked that he/she is unknowingly thinking about their future. Thinking about your future in a good positive way helps you reach your goal. even if you don't get handed a million dollars.

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