Thursday, October 6, 2011

[free] MY mornin

freezing cold i can see my breathe. Why did i leave the window open with the fan on? ugh its four thirty, i still have a bit of time.......Dooff dooof
Dad: "WAKE UP" 
ME: "dude it's five in the morning, this is child crulty" This can't be legal. "CHILDREN should not be up before the stupid sun!!"
i go back to sleep. "GET UP" lol its five thirty im doomed. 
Dad: "get dressed and leave"
Me: " i need to take a shower"
Dad: CHRISTINA You should have taken one last night!"
he is on some thing lol. I ran down the hall and took a shower. Now my brother ,mom,and dad are pissed lol. its five fifty im so late for class.I get to class its six O clock. My day is going swell. Its raining,i don't have a jacket or a umbrella. I get to school and all of a sudden it stops raining. I get out of the car and my brother says
" Here it comes!" right as i closed the door.Then i found out what he ment, i got two steps from the car and all of a sudden it just starts pourin. The water felt like ice cold neddles poking my body. Within seconds i was drenched. Maniging to get to the auto shop over hang i here my name being called.
" Christina....Over here"
"Whos calling me"
"Who do You think?"
All the way across the courtyard is my friend. I bearly can makie out his body, the rain is falling so hard. Running across the courtyard was wet, cold, and fun. Luckliy for me it had flooded the whole area and my feet got drenched.The olny good thing that came from that day was playing handball in P.E.

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