Thursday, September 29, 2011

[monthly essay] What makes me human lol...not alot

         Mostly when you ask a person what it means to be human,they say eat  fried food and drive car. Although it is true we drive cars and eat. There is a deeper meaning to me, i mean humans have the ability to show or hide their emotions.Most can sense when something is going to happen. Others can read  eachothers body language. Also, by listening to a persons voice, we can notice their mood ,ticked sad, sarcastic, ect. I mean rude statements can effect the humans mood if it lets it. Our emotions can cause a domino effect on others so it smart to keep your feelings in check. The most important human charicteristics are body language, everyone is diffrent, and the ability to be bad.
       We are human because we can interpret body languag ,for instense if someone is clenching their fists everyone will know not to make them mad that day.the fact that we can comuniocate non-verbally is what makes us human. Every person being diffrent is what helps us identify as indivduals and human. Not looking like eachother in shape size or any form is what makes us "Man." Mostly we're diffrent because of our genetics and religions. Having the ability to do bad but, not doing it. Having the choice of wrong and right, an choosing the right because we know better. The choice of good keeps us out of trouble. When we do bad to others it always has a wayv of getting back in some way shape or form. When given the choice ,an we pick good humans tipically feel better.
       when you live in a human society it's good to know how "Man" acts or should be treatedd. It is important because living in the human world can be confusing and you never know whats going to happen next. Also, you want to fit in and know the right things. We do stuff that will always effect us some how. Living with humans is a good and bad thing. Something about humans is you can't choose your family but, you can choose how you treat them.

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