Thursday, September 29, 2011

[monthly essay] What makes me human lol...not alot

         Mostly when you ask a person what it means to be human,they say eat  fried food and drive car. Although it is true we drive cars and eat. There is a deeper meaning to me, i mean humans have the ability to show or hide their emotions.Most can sense when something is going to happen. Others can read  eachothers body language. Also, by listening to a persons voice, we can notice their mood ,ticked sad, sarcastic, ect. I mean rude statements can effect the humans mood if it lets it. Our emotions can cause a domino effect on others so it smart to keep your feelings in check. The most important human charicteristics are body language, everyone is diffrent, and the ability to be bad.
       We are human because we can interpret body languag ,for instense if someone is clenching their fists everyone will know not to make them mad that day.the fact that we can comuniocate non-verbally is what makes us human. Every person being diffrent is what helps us identify as indivduals and human. Not looking like eachother in shape size or any form is what makes us "Man." Mostly we're diffrent because of our genetics and religions. Having the ability to do bad but, not doing it. Having the choice of wrong and right, an choosing the right because we know better. The choice of good keeps us out of trouble. When we do bad to others it always has a wayv of getting back in some way shape or form. When given the choice ,an we pick good humans tipically feel better.
       when you live in a human society it's good to know how "Man" acts or should be treatedd. It is important because living in the human world can be confusing and you never know whats going to happen next. Also, you want to fit in and know the right things. We do stuff that will always effect us some how. Living with humans is a good and bad thing. Something about humans is you can't choose your family but, you can choose how you treat them.

[free] fun travel experiences

In Paris:
 I spit off the Eiffel Tower....Who doesn't  like come on
 in the louvre i took it upon myself to fill a empty yelled at by security watched us the rest of the time
 my sis and i did our usual thing...sat in the musuem while my parents looked for my bro, who got lost. Any ways we sat their like beggers and got money
when my parents came back the women hit her husband and he gave us money my mom just laughed
In Italy:
 I felt the after shocks from the Chili earthquake....scary
 I watched a gguy in a lime green suit pick pocket a guy making out with his girlfriend
 Took a picture with a coke cola bottle very where we went
 found a secret famouse gelato shop ...if you find it its heaven its hidden mwhahahaa
In Jamaica:
 climbed a coconut tree
 learned about jamaican rum
 learned that chunky fair skin women blondes are rare to them and wouldnt stop hittin on us girls in  our  family...funny but so true lol
 ohhhhhh funny to them means gay ....heads up say there holarious or have a good sense of humor it all bad if  men are funny their  x[
In Mexico:
 I went swimming with turtles
 I got sea sick from bobbing up and down with the life jacket on
 I got a glass rose from a guy named furaldo
 I got a dress that said i needed a under shirt but when i put it on i was so white that i didn't need one
In Grand Cayman Islands:
 Kissed a sting ray years good luck
 took a picture wiuth a lepricon
 climbed a waterfall
 got a massage from a sting ray with a stingy thing on it still...good thing it was already salt water lol ...jk
In Florida:
 slept on the street waiting for my family
 me and my sister acted like beggers and got three bucks in change
 skipped all lines because i was in a aircast for my broken ankle
 my second cousin started to hit on my bro  lol she hadn't seen him in a long time  bwhahaha he ganna kill me after this ROFLOL
In Utah:
 played the most intense truth or dare game in my life ...never wilol forget it or beat it
 walked back to the dorms which was a mile  in the hot rain in a lightning storm because i was in all white not  fun i was soaked and  my key card got ruined

 I hope to visit Ireland, Germany, Japan,Greece,and Russia

[free] Why no hats

On and on again there is always the student that neglects the teacher about taking off their hat. You could say they ask why can't they wear it.
     well back in time along time ago around twenty years, word got around about students being jumped or beaten for wearing the wrong color hat. You see back then hats were gang affiliated. so when the word got to a person high up , one day they told al the teachers around california to inforce the no hat rule, air go the o hat rule histroy.
     Now adays hats are fashion. they represent sports teams and logos. the teachers did not vote on the rule they just were told to inforce it. even if you were aloud most men women still take off their hats when they enter a building or room out of respect.
 the respect for others, manors and old habits is what keeps the no hat rule still in effect.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

[response]vincent ly

"think that its sad to know that the poorest country in the world went through something like this . Its sad that they never had the stuff needed to survive , and a earthquake hits , making them hard to go through even more !"
i agree that it sad how after the government did the little they could do everyone just forgot about them. Personally though my church was one of the first to arrive with help. with millions of members world wide we all came together for Haiti, Japan, and Chili when it was hit with natural disasters. I speak for many people we haven't forgot about them and we are still helping :)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

[CE]Google denies 'cooking' search claims

      From the accusations Google is getting it sounds like the severs are tracking everything its users search.Also, that the search engine is trapping users with common out comes in stead of what they are really searched for. Schmidt denies all, and says ”Google does not trap you and if it gives you something that you didn’t search for. You can easily switch to another search engine with one click.” which is true. from a personal view many times i have searched for something on google and it gives me the same popular results or requests that you look up something else. Hopefully google doesn’t in trouble cause for two year straight it has been the most used/viewed site on the Internet.
    Another, accusation is Google is being unfair in searches. They are manipulating searches. Business that have a contract  with Google,will always be put in the top 30% of the searches.  All has been denied by Google officials but Google will still be under “Global scrutiny.”

[CE] Dozens of bodies found in Eastern Mexico

These were people involved in organized crime," he said of the victims, seven of whom have been identified.
“All 35 victims, who included 12 women and two minors, were linked to the Zetas cartel, according to an official in the Mexican armed forces, who couldn't be quoted by name for security reasons”
Here you can say they were at the wrong place at the wrong time.  I wonder how people get caught up in this kind of stuff? The Zeta cartel has been being criticized for killing civilians and minors. A flag/banner was hung at the dump sight saying “NO MORE” an I couldn’t agree more killing women and children. Who were innicent is straight up wrong along with just killing it’s murder taking a person out of the world for no reason.
            This particulair cartel is linked to two of Mexico’s mass killings of civilians. The killings were worst than 2006 when 72 immigrants.Then another 52 fell victim at a casino. Mostly women were killed.

[free]What is my passion

Ahhhh. . . My passion is well it could be being nice unless I don’t like you. That will only get me so far though. Also, im obsess with sports ,except for Bad Mitten, it isn’t a sport. Oh also my passion of being weird. People tell me I should be a comedian, then I just tell them I don’t do script I just tell my life story which gets a few pants wet once in a while. Being weird is also such a blessing I get to be me with a twist get to do dumb stuff and not know im doing it and then when I realize it. Every thing goes bad lol. At the football game last week I was making monkey and donkey noises it was to freaking hilarious. Weirdness goes down a bit then im super nice. I love being nice cause it makes great friendships and I love the effect on people when I am nice to them or a compliment I give them. Nice feels like well being nice. It cannot be compared to anything only joy.
            Sports…. that’s down my alley my favorite sport is softball I have played for thirteen years. I play catcher, third, first, and out field. I love batting cause the intense sting of the bat in your blistered hand is mind blowing. Also, when your running through all the bases the adrenalin is like a five year old on ten pixie sticks its awesome, feel great, can do anything, but fly …don’t ask. I’ve hit twelve recorded homeruns. I played for a eighteen and up team when I was twelve.  I have been a shoe In for every travel team in the area but I only choose the great ones. Im super cocky when I play sports cause unlike other athletes im only coordinated in sports. Which means I can’t play instruments for crap. I have no rhythm but I like singing I don’t know how it works out oh well. these are my main passions.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

[free]Why Do You Tease Her?

I t happens to the best of us, we meet the perfect guy. Then, all sudden he with the other girl playing the same sweet smiles and charm that worked so well on you. We call this common male the “flirt” the flirt gives us false hopes in our weird world of girl hormones. Guys flirt we all get that but in a different context as girls. Girls stop after a bit, we through a smile once or twice but nothing to interesting if we aren’t interested in you. Guys on the other hand don’t stop all they see is a girl smiling and giggling at everything they say. If girls get to have the knowledge of when to stop why can’t guys. Personally it would save me time. I can’t even count how many times I get phone calls from a friend about something a guy did to her. One would say, “I thought we hit it off.” Sometimes a another would say “ he gave me all the signals that he liked me now he with some other girlL .” An all I can say is im sorry he did that to you and just be there to comfort them. It may come across that im calling guys jerks. I am but not all of them are. Also you have a opinion so comment if u want

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

[ Biweekly] Dark Room

          Im on a mission to find my glasses, in this dark, room. What room am I in though? I feel wood and a mattress. if it has a yep just what I though this is my bedroom. Okay why did I even take my glasses off, oh well. Well I don’t remember where I put them so I need to turn the lights on. So I need to find the wall towards the door. Should be around ten steps, from the bed. One, two, three, four, five, sihowww I think I stepped on, a cleat. Okay seven, eight, niowwww I kicked the wall. Breath in breath out huh ok just find the stupid light switch so I can see. I can’t find it, all I feel is the cool smooth walls and my jersey….Jersey? oh im on the wrong wall.

          I think i know where i am if i move about half way to the right i should feel a cold metal case ..that is not metal.? What is that  its rough and cold.??? think think what is this. it's around waist high. has a drawer ...oh wow how did i get all the way over here? I am almost  twice as far then before. I am at the opposite corner of the room than the light switch...Okay so i am walking slowly, over all the blankets and suitcases on my floor man I need to clean my room. Ow stupid suit case tripped me now where am I?  maybe i should just crawl around till i find my dresser. I need a starting point ..what is near me. I feel the foam mat again so i should get to the corner of the mat then crawl forward til i get to the wall.Crap. I bumped my head on the drawer that's pulled out.

        Ugh well I feel my dresser so hopefully I find the switch. Found it and then I turn it on, but wait the lights not coming on. Oh no I had the fan on but the light off. I have to turn it on by hand, on the ceiling fan. I feel the waves of cool wind but I can’t find the dangling chain. I think I have it I tug on the small chain and…nope that’s the fan chain not the light one. Got it …the lights are on and I saw that my glasses are on top of my bunk bed. One more thing why am I up and why do I need my glasses???

Friday, September 16, 2011

[CE] Child mortality rate falling

        The number of children under the age five who die annually has plummeted from 12 million in 1990 to 7.6 million in 2010, UNICEF and the World Health Organisation (WHO) have said in a new report.
"The two United Nations agencies estimate in the report that the drop means about 12,000 more children's lives are being saved each day"
          I think this is great. I know that we have a UNICEF club at our school, i may not be in it but when they ask for a donation i always give any money i have.  Personaly i have a strong belief in children bein able to live there lifes and nowing that just a few dollars or cents add up to help a child in need. That is just thw warmest feeling. these children have at least food and medical  help.

        "About half of all under-five deaths in the world took place in just five countries in 2010; India, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo, Pakistan and China"
         This just makes me thankful for bein alive and born in the U.S. sincerely. knowing that its getting better is awesome but the fact that its just goin down and isn't a rarity is sad. betwenn 1990 to 2010 the mortality rate has gone down around  5%.

[Free]Not fair

             Why is life not fair? With all the good luck and singing birds sun shining, you would think it would be a good day even on a average alameda day. No. Sometimes it feels like the feeling you get when your picked last for a team. We all try our best to make the day good or watch what we do, so that we don’t make a mistake. It’s not fair when the One kid that cool popular kid has the friends a newest best thing that’s out for the week. I know though and so do others that the friends are fakes and once mommy and daddy stop spoiling the kid that they will just hit rock bottom from not knowing how the rest of us live.
          Fair is when you get picked for a sport team off of your god given talent ...not who’s dad drinks with who’s. Fair is letting children and teens grow up and make a life for themselves and become someone. The world needs to upgrade its plan and add fair to its family plan. :D

what do you think about

        What Do You Think About ?
Everyone has those moments when they realize what they are thinking about has nothing to do with what they had been talking about. In my opinion I do it to many times it is a little bit more intense than your run of the mill daydream. It’s more in def and the details are thought about very hard. When I do it its even more off from the topic I am talking about. One time I was talking to my dad and paused for a moment and started talking about Chuck Norris. I got so into it that I found out its not even his real name…WTF we had been talking about the lightning at the football game. Another time I was with my friend and this time he had the weird conversation. He said, “Hey do you remember that kid that resembled weirdly all our cousins?” yeah. “Well I just realized he doesn’t look like my cousin at all.” 

        First of all that would be weird if he looked like all our cousins cause we aren’t related. Second, where did that come from? Stuff just pops into peoples heads. Like now I just saw a U.S. map. Ohio lol if you were in Mrs. Hills class you should get it. I don’t know im just weird. Best part is everyone tells what they were thinking about eventualy.if you bug them enough SMH.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

my gangster luck

so in class we played two truths and a lie and i totaly sckooled my class except for Gigi. (props to u)
so i was pretty happy all day after that i had people asking if it was really true about being hit so many times. so i had a ortho appointment after school so i ripsticked over there and learned i get my braces of on september...??? crap i forgot but in the end part of september in juiced. also heres the best part of the day my luck, so i was on my way to the school football team to watch the guys practice till i got picked up. and i was a block away and almost got hit again ,because the idiot didn't look both ways. >:(  So i yell at him a bit and im on my way. I have crossed the street and secounds later i turn around and a fellow student has been hit by a small Cough cough not being mean person who said they didn't see him. now that is luck that could ave been me ohhh man trust me he like killed the wind sheild lol it was shattered.........reminded me of one of my first (tearing up) well it is 9:10 so i gatta go to sleep dueces