Friday, September 16, 2011

[Free]Not fair

             Why is life not fair? With all the good luck and singing birds sun shining, you would think it would be a good day even on a average alameda day. No. Sometimes it feels like the feeling you get when your picked last for a team. We all try our best to make the day good or watch what we do, so that we don’t make a mistake. It’s not fair when the One kid that cool popular kid has the friends a newest best thing that’s out for the week. I know though and so do others that the friends are fakes and once mommy and daddy stop spoiling the kid that they will just hit rock bottom from not knowing how the rest of us live.
          Fair is when you get picked for a sport team off of your god given talent ...not who’s dad drinks with who’s. Fair is letting children and teens grow up and make a life for themselves and become someone. The world needs to upgrade its plan and add fair to its family plan. :D

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