Friday, September 16, 2011

what do you think about

        What Do You Think About ?
Everyone has those moments when they realize what they are thinking about has nothing to do with what they had been talking about. In my opinion I do it to many times it is a little bit more intense than your run of the mill daydream. It’s more in def and the details are thought about very hard. When I do it its even more off from the topic I am talking about. One time I was talking to my dad and paused for a moment and started talking about Chuck Norris. I got so into it that I found out its not even his real name…WTF we had been talking about the lightning at the football game. Another time I was with my friend and this time he had the weird conversation. He said, “Hey do you remember that kid that resembled weirdly all our cousins?” yeah. “Well I just realized he doesn’t look like my cousin at all.” 

        First of all that would be weird if he looked like all our cousins cause we aren’t related. Second, where did that come from? Stuff just pops into peoples heads. Like now I just saw a U.S. map. Ohio lol if you were in Mrs. Hills class you should get it. I don’t know im just weird. Best part is everyone tells what they were thinking about eventualy.if you bug them enough SMH.

1 comment:

  1. It took me a couple of reads to get what you were talking about...but I like this one. I was just thinking of writing about a related topic myself and may use some ideas here to do so...It is strange how we normally think of THOUGHT as something we have total control over, but we don't. Tons of times, random thoughts just POP UP on the radar, whether we're ready for them or not.
