Thursday, September 29, 2011

[free] fun travel experiences

In Paris:
 I spit off the Eiffel Tower....Who doesn't  like come on
 in the louvre i took it upon myself to fill a empty yelled at by security watched us the rest of the time
 my sis and i did our usual thing...sat in the musuem while my parents looked for my bro, who got lost. Any ways we sat their like beggers and got money
when my parents came back the women hit her husband and he gave us money my mom just laughed
In Italy:
 I felt the after shocks from the Chili earthquake....scary
 I watched a gguy in a lime green suit pick pocket a guy making out with his girlfriend
 Took a picture with a coke cola bottle very where we went
 found a secret famouse gelato shop ...if you find it its heaven its hidden mwhahahaa
In Jamaica:
 climbed a coconut tree
 learned about jamaican rum
 learned that chunky fair skin women blondes are rare to them and wouldnt stop hittin on us girls in  our  family...funny but so true lol
 ohhhhhh funny to them means gay ....heads up say there holarious or have a good sense of humor it all bad if  men are funny their  x[
In Mexico:
 I went swimming with turtles
 I got sea sick from bobbing up and down with the life jacket on
 I got a glass rose from a guy named furaldo
 I got a dress that said i needed a under shirt but when i put it on i was so white that i didn't need one
In Grand Cayman Islands:
 Kissed a sting ray years good luck
 took a picture wiuth a lepricon
 climbed a waterfall
 got a massage from a sting ray with a stingy thing on it still...good thing it was already salt water lol ...jk
In Florida:
 slept on the street waiting for my family
 me and my sister acted like beggers and got three bucks in change
 skipped all lines because i was in a aircast for my broken ankle
 my second cousin started to hit on my bro  lol she hadn't seen him in a long time  bwhahaha he ganna kill me after this ROFLOL
In Utah:
 played the most intense truth or dare game in my life ...never wilol forget it or beat it
 walked back to the dorms which was a mile  in the hot rain in a lightning storm because i was in all white not  fun i was soaked and  my key card got ruined

 I hope to visit Ireland, Germany, Japan,Greece,and Russia

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