Thursday, September 29, 2011

[free] Why no hats

On and on again there is always the student that neglects the teacher about taking off their hat. You could say they ask why can't they wear it.
     well back in time along time ago around twenty years, word got around about students being jumped or beaten for wearing the wrong color hat. You see back then hats were gang affiliated. so when the word got to a person high up , one day they told al the teachers around california to inforce the no hat rule, air go the o hat rule histroy.
     Now adays hats are fashion. they represent sports teams and logos. the teachers did not vote on the rule they just were told to inforce it. even if you were aloud most men women still take off their hats when they enter a building or room out of respect.
 the respect for others, manors and old habits is what keeps the no hat rule still in effect.

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