Wednesday, September 21, 2011

[free]Why Do You Tease Her?

I t happens to the best of us, we meet the perfect guy. Then, all sudden he with the other girl playing the same sweet smiles and charm that worked so well on you. We call this common male the “flirt” the flirt gives us false hopes in our weird world of girl hormones. Guys flirt we all get that but in a different context as girls. Girls stop after a bit, we through a smile once or twice but nothing to interesting if we aren’t interested in you. Guys on the other hand don’t stop all they see is a girl smiling and giggling at everything they say. If girls get to have the knowledge of when to stop why can’t guys. Personally it would save me time. I can’t even count how many times I get phone calls from a friend about something a guy did to her. One would say, “I thought we hit it off.” Sometimes a another would say “ he gave me all the signals that he liked me now he with some other girlL .” An all I can say is im sorry he did that to you and just be there to comfort them. It may come across that im calling guys jerks. I am but not all of them are. Also you have a opinion so comment if u want

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