Thursday, September 22, 2011

[free]What is my passion

Ahhhh. . . My passion is well it could be being nice unless I don’t like you. That will only get me so far though. Also, im obsess with sports ,except for Bad Mitten, it isn’t a sport. Oh also my passion of being weird. People tell me I should be a comedian, then I just tell them I don’t do script I just tell my life story which gets a few pants wet once in a while. Being weird is also such a blessing I get to be me with a twist get to do dumb stuff and not know im doing it and then when I realize it. Every thing goes bad lol. At the football game last week I was making monkey and donkey noises it was to freaking hilarious. Weirdness goes down a bit then im super nice. I love being nice cause it makes great friendships and I love the effect on people when I am nice to them or a compliment I give them. Nice feels like well being nice. It cannot be compared to anything only joy.
            Sports…. that’s down my alley my favorite sport is softball I have played for thirteen years. I play catcher, third, first, and out field. I love batting cause the intense sting of the bat in your blistered hand is mind blowing. Also, when your running through all the bases the adrenalin is like a five year old on ten pixie sticks its awesome, feel great, can do anything, but fly …don’t ask. I’ve hit twelve recorded homeruns. I played for a eighteen and up team when I was twelve.  I have been a shoe In for every travel team in the area but I only choose the great ones. Im super cocky when I play sports cause unlike other athletes im only coordinated in sports. Which means I can’t play instruments for crap. I have no rhythm but I like singing I don’t know how it works out oh well. these are my main passions.

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