Thursday, September 22, 2011

[CE]Google denies 'cooking' search claims

      From the accusations Google is getting it sounds like the severs are tracking everything its users search.Also, that the search engine is trapping users with common out comes in stead of what they are really searched for. Schmidt denies all, and says ”Google does not trap you and if it gives you something that you didn’t search for. You can easily switch to another search engine with one click.” which is true. from a personal view many times i have searched for something on google and it gives me the same popular results or requests that you look up something else. Hopefully google doesn’t in trouble cause for two year straight it has been the most used/viewed site on the Internet.
    Another, accusation is Google is being unfair in searches. They are manipulating searches. Business that have a contract  with Google,will always be put in the top 30% of the searches.  All has been denied by Google officials but Google will still be under “Global scrutiny.”

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