Tuesday, September 20, 2011

[ Biweekly] Dark Room

          Im on a mission to find my glasses, in this dark, room. What room am I in though? I feel wood and a mattress. if it has a yep just what I though this is my bedroom. Okay why did I even take my glasses off, oh well. Well I don’t remember where I put them so I need to turn the lights on. So I need to find the wall towards the door. Should be around ten steps, from the bed. One, two, three, four, five, sihowww I think I stepped on, a cleat. Okay seven, eight, niowwww I kicked the wall. Breath in breath out huh ok just find the stupid light switch so I can see. I can’t find it, all I feel is the cool smooth walls and my jersey….Jersey? oh im on the wrong wall.

          I think i know where i am if i move about half way to the right i should feel a cold metal case ..that is not metal.? What is that  its rough and cold.??? think think what is this. it's around waist high. has a drawer ...oh wow how did i get all the way over here? I am almost  twice as far then before. I am at the opposite corner of the room than the light switch...Okay so i am walking slowly, over all the blankets and suitcases on my floor man I need to clean my room. Ow stupid suit case tripped me now where am I?  maybe i should just crawl around till i find my dresser. I need a starting point ..what is near me. I feel the foam mat again so i should get to the corner of the mat then crawl forward til i get to the wall.Crap. I bumped my head on the drawer that's pulled out.

        Ugh well I feel my dresser so hopefully I find the switch. Found it and then I turn it on, but wait the lights not coming on. Oh no I had the fan on but the light off. I have to turn it on by hand, on the ceiling fan. I feel the waves of cool wind but I can’t find the dangling chain. I think I have it I tug on the small chain and…nope that’s the fan chain not the light one. Got it …the lights are on and I saw that my glasses are on top of my bunk bed. One more thing why am I up and why do I need my glasses???

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